2025 03 25
Https www alamy com the biology of the protozoa protozoa protozoa fig 101colpidium colpoda and paramecium aurelia after feeding with amylo dextrin and treatment with iodide after cosmovici courtesy of annales scien tifique de luniversite de jassy an interesting conception of the gastric vacuoles in ciliates has been given recently by cosmovici 1932 using an ingenious method of dissolving rice starch with saliva and immersing ciliates in the dextrin thus formed he found upon treating them at differ ent intervals with iodide that a canal colored blue often con voluted or swollen into quot image234603321 html (Тип файла jpg)
Paramecium Aurelia High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
Https www alamy com protozoology protozoa protozoa pathogenic fertilization by exogamy fig 157 conjugation of paramecium aurelia please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work calkins gary n gary nathan b 1869 new york and philadelphia lea amp febiger image232311859 html (Тип файла jpg)
Paramecium Black And White Stock Photos Images Alamy
Https www alamy com animal ecology animal ecology fig 18 2 growth of populations of paramecium caudafum and p aurelia cultivated separately and in mixed populations from sause 1934 of it rarely if ever will they be equally adapted and ordinarily the one with the better adaptations or greater aggressiveness will win out and occupy the niche to its full carrying capacity the basic idea of this rule was understood from observations of natu ral distribution long before it was verified experi mentally grinnell 1904 jordan 1905 in experimental cultures paramecium caudatum and p aurelia maintain s image236768179 html (Тип файла jpg)
Paramecium Aurelia High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
Https www alamy com the biology of the protozoa protozoa protozoa phenomena accompanying fertilization 297 somes in paramecium aurelia basing his view not on the chromo somes but on the number of fibers which he could distinguish in the connecting strand between the two daughter nuclei later please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work calkins gary n gary nathan b 1869 philadelphia lea amp febiger image234602212 html (Тип файла jpg)
Paramecium Aurelia High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
Https www alamy com animal forms a second book of zoology zoology fig 6 flagellate infusoria a euglena xxridis c pulsating vacuole e eye spot g gullet ra nucleus t flagellum b co dosiga with collar surrounding the flagellum c diagram illus trating the action of the flagel lum all figures greatly enlarged fig 7 paramecium aurelia a ciliate infusorian c cilia cv pulsating vacuoles food particles ggullet 771 buccal groove nucleus toplasm of the body there to undergo the processes of di gestion and assimilation in some forms the protoplasm in the region image236770599 html (Тип файла jpg)
Paramecium Aurelia High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
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